Media Reports on Gender and Climate Justice Tribunals

Media reports documenting the 2011-2012 International Gender and Climate Change Tribunals.

South and Central America:
Women in Rural Argentina Speak Out On Climate Change
Women in Europe for the Common Future Reports on Mexico and Peru Tribunals
Mexican Women Demand Climate Justice - IPS

Bangladesh Demands Climate Justice

Ghana: Women Want Voices Heard in Climate Change Decisions
Zimbabwe - Climate Change and Droughts


Nobel Women's Initiatives Reports on Climate Tribunals

Gender and Climate Justice Analysis by Ana Agostino and Rosa Lizarde
Ana Agostino and Rosa Lizarde explore the concept of climate justice as a rights approach to climate change. They propose that those in the South who are most affected by environmental changes need to receive justice from those in the North who are most responsible for climate change. They apply a gender lens to climate change, analyzing how women have been specifically hit by the phenomenon and how they are responding.